
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06




  ① If you intend to buy or sell your property or having any queries, please feel free to call me .

  ② You will be in charge of interviewing and shortlisting candidates and to assist in the recruitment of 500 staff.


  “…… or if you have any queries, ……”

  第二句里的“and”是衔接前面的动名词“interviewing and shortlisting”和后面的动名词“assisting”。显然,这里不用动名词而用不定式动词“to assist”,也是犯了动词形式不对应的错误,非改正不可。

  还有,根据字词的排列,“shortlisting”要排在“ interviewing”前面,才合逻辑。


  同样的,下列 5 个从学生作业中找出来的句子,也犯了同样的毛病:

  ③ This will enable the parent to experience the new style of life and allows him or her enough time to consider settling down.

  ④ Utopianism violates the human conscience, denies privacy to individuals and discard human rights.

  ⑤ They have to reach a decision on either sending their child to a day-care centre or employ a maid.

  ⑥ It is very hard to relate the stories through other means and at the same time retains the critical aspects of the book.

  ⑦ This problem can be solved by developing correct language skills, concentrating on studies day by day, and try not to exert too much pressure.


  ③ allow; ④ discards; ⑤ employing; ⑥ retain; ⑦ trying.


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