
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

在下面这段和产业买卖有关的英文里,存在着 4 个错误。你看得出来吗?

  “If you have the intention to sell your flat. Please don't hesitate to call us, we'll offer you hightest selling price.”

  第一个错误是句型形式“have the intention to sell”的错误;正确的形式是:intend to sell 或 have the intention of selling.


  “If……flat”是条件副词分句,不可独立生存,必须依赖后头的主句“please……us”,才可以成为完整的复杂句(complex sentence)。这样一来,主句前面的句点,就要改成逗号(,)了。

  另外一个错误是两个主句之间既没有句点也没有连接词,而只有逗号;这种错误叫 run-on sentence:

  “……, please don't hesitate to call us, we……”


  “……。Please don't hesitate to call us. We……”


  “……, please don't hesitate to call us, as we'll offer you……”

  谈了 3 个错误,现在来谈最后一个错误,就是定冠词( definite article)的消失:

  “We'll offer you highest selling price.”

  习惯上,最高级形容词(the superlative degree of adjectives)前面要用定冠词 the.因此,这句话要改为:

  “We'll offer you the highest selling price.”



  ㈠ 表示世上唯一的事物,如:

  ① the sun; the earth; the sky; the North Pole

  ㈡ 当一个名词被再次提起时,如:

  ② A car knocked against a tree. We can still see the mark on the tree made by the car.

  ㈢ 当名词后面有个修饰作用的短语或分句时,如:

  ③ The girl in red is my sister.

  ④ The thief who stole your wallet yesterday was arrested.

  ㈣ 加在某些形容词前面,以表示某类人或事,如:

  ⑤ The rich often get richer and the poor, poorer.

  ⑥ The doctor lost no time in giving help to the injured.

  ⑦ Don't expect the impossible.

  ㈤ 加在某些山川、河流、岛屿、国家名称之前,如:

  ⑧ the Alps; the Thames; the British Isles; the Philippines; the Atlantic Ocean.


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