
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

  64. amplify / magnify / enlarge
  65. intensify / strengthen / enhance
  66. stress / emphasize / focus
  67. therapy / remedy / cure / heal
  68. approve / consent / grant
  69. endure / tolerate / bear / put up with
  70. imply / infer
  71. information / message
  72. anticipate / expect / look forward to
  73. affirm / confirm / ascertain
  74. complicated / complex / sophisticated
  75. fatal / vital / critical / crucial
  76. plot / scheme / project
  77. devote / contribute / dedicate
  78. liable / prone / apt / vulnerable
  79. allege / assert / maintain
  80. choose / select / pick out
  81. disposition / temperament / nature / character
  82. execute / carry out / implement / enforce
  83. replace / substitute
  84. gracious / polite / amiable
  85. grateful / thankful
  86. nominate / appoint / assign
  87. robust / energetic / rigorous / stout
  88. reckon / ponder / deliberate
  89. encounter / confront
  90. verdict / decree
  91. plausible / reasonable / rational / sensible
  92. manipulate / control
  93. proclaim / announce / declare
  94. agenda / scheme / schedule
  95. reject / refuse / turn down / decline


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