
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08

Dear friends,
   When we came back to start a new term full of passion and dream after the winter vacation, a piece of bad news struck Li Ming. His illness was diagnosed as leukemia. He has been fighting bravely against this deadly disease in hospital for nearly a month.
   Li Ming entered our university two years ago and he performed quite well in various fields and has left good impression on people around him. He was once awarded the first prize scholarship and praised by the university for his efforts in helping a child escape a traffic accident last term. www.zwen8.com He has won deep respect from his friends, classmates and teachers by virtue of his diligence, kindness and optimistic attitudes toward life.
   However, the huge expenditure on this disease has quickly exhausted the poor savings of his family. He was born in a small village in Shanxi province, and the total income of his parents cannot exceed 6000 Yuan a year. In addition, his parents has to support his grandparents who have been sick for many years.www.zwen8.com
   My fellow friends, “blood is thicker than water”. We cannot see the young life of our brother leaving us this way. Please donate your love and give out your hands, and we believe a miracle can be created, a life can be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved.


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