
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08

    He believes that purposeful daydreaming builds new "memories" in the brain. These positive memories improve a person's self-image. And self-image has an important effect on a person's action and accomplishments.

    Can you use purposeful daydreaming to shape your own future? Why not try? Here is how those who believe in creative daydreaming recommend going about it. Choose a time when you can be alone and undisturbed. Close your eyes, to permit your imagination to soar more freely. Many people find that they get best results by pretending that they are sitting before a large screen. They project the desired image of themselves onto that screen.

    Now picture yourself —— as vividly as possible ——the way you want to be. Remember to picture your desired goals as if you had already attained them. Go over all the details of this picture. See them clearly and sharply. Impress them strongly on your memory. The resulting memory traces will supposedly start affecting your everyday life. They will help lead you to the attainment to your goals.

    Of course daydreaming is no substitute for hard work. If it's athletic achievement you want, you also have to get lots of practice in your sport. You have to work hard to develop skills. If it's school success you're after, you can't neglect studying Daydreaming alone can't turn you into your heart's desire. But in combination with the more usual methods of self-development, it might make a critical difference. It could be the difference between becoming merely good at something and becoming a champion.

    If what researchers are saying is true, a life lived without fantasies and daydreams isn't as rich and rewarding as life can be. So they suggest setting aside a few minutes each day for daydreaming. By so doing, you may improve your physical and mental well-being. By taking a ten-or fifteen-minute "vacation" into the realm of imagination each day, you may add much to the excitement and enjoyment of your life. And who knows: You might see your own daydreams come true.

    New words

    hostile a.  unfriendly; belonging to an enemy 敌对的

    view vt. consider, regard

    escape n. & v. 逃跑;逃避

    nighttime a.  occurring at night

    interfere vi. get in the way of another 干涉;妨碍

    interference  n.

    researcher n.  advantage, profit, good effect 益处

    tense a.  feeling or showing nervous anxiety 紧张的

    irritable a.  easily annoyed or made angry

    means n.  method or way

    psychologist n.  person who has studied or is skilled in psychology 心理学家

    contribute vi. help in bringing about 贡献

    growth n.  growing; development

    concentration n.  concentrating or being concentrated

    span n.  length of time during which sth. Continuses or works well 一段时间

    self-control n.  control of one's own feelings, behavior, etc.

    creative a.  having the power to create; inventive

    remarkable a.  deserving attention; unusual, out of the ordinary 显著的;非凡的

    shape vt. influence and determine the course or form of 形成,塑造

    industrialist n.  one owing an industry or engaged in its management

    maintain vt. state or assert as true; keep up 断言;维持

    picture vt. imagine; make a picture of

    inventor n.  a person who  makes up or produces sth. new

    notable a.  outstanding; worthy of notice 著名的;值得注意的

    achiever n.  one who achieves; winner


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