foreigner n. person belonging to a foreign country
aggressive a. always ready to quarrel; not afraid of opposition; enterprising 挑衅的;放肆的;积极进取的
greedy a. excessively eager to acquire; wanting to get more than one's share贪婪的
semi- pref. half
idiot n. a very stupid or foolish person 白痴
bet(bet or betted)
vt. be very sure; risk (money) on the result of a future event 确信;用……打赌
fling (flung)
vt. move (oneself) violently, esp. in anger throw violently or with force 使(自己)猛扑;用力扔,掷
hand-to-hand a. in close contact 逼近的,直接交手的
slaughter vt. kill (animals, people) in large numbers 屠杀
siren n. penetrating whistle as a warning 警报
searchlight n. powerful light with a beam that can be turned in any direction 探照灯
pounding n. a severe beating or blow 猛击
pound v.
reverberate vi. echo repeatedly 回响
log n. 原木
avenue n. wide street in a town
giant a. of great size or force n. man, animal, or plant much larger than normal
first n. 拳头
blast vi. produce a hard sharp sound 发出刺耳响声
cellar n. an underground room, usu. used for storing goods 地窖
depart vi. leave a place
departure n.
barricade n. barrier of objects put across or in front of sth. as a defense 障碍;街垒
generator n. a machine which generates, usu. electricity
movable a. that can be moved
mob n. a large noisy and disorderly crowd, esp. one that has gathered for mischief or attack 一伙人;一群暴徒
intermittent a. pausing or stopping at intervals; not continuous 断断续续的
remind vt. tell or cause (sb.) to remember 提醒
military a. connected with soldiers, armies 军事的
vehicle n. a means of carrying or transporting sth. 车辆(统称)
piercing a. (of sound) very sharp and clear, esp. in an unpleasant way; penetrating 尖厉的;刺穿的
pierce v.
give vi. bend; yield to pressure 弯曲;塌下
pitch n. the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note or speaking voice 声音的高低,调子
tune vt. adjust (a radio or television receiver) to respond to waves of a particular frequency
definitely ad. without a doubt; clearly
definite a.
identify vt. 认出;识别
harmless a. that cannot cause harm
harm n.
bruise vt. injure the outside of 碰伤;使(皮肉)青肿
clot vt. 使(血等)凝块
Amen int. may this be true 阿门(基督教徒祈祷结束时的用语)
hey int. (used to call attention or express surprise)
scare vt. frighten
gesture n. movement, usu. of the hands, to express a certain meaning 姿势,手势
murmur n. a soft low sound
half-hearted a. showing little effort and no real interest.
wreckage n. the broken parts of a destroyed thing 残骸
shaky a. shaking or unsteady
block party(AmE) a party of celebration help in the street by the residents of a block or neighborhood, esp. to raise funds for a local church or block club