
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08

I Went To A Movie Last Night


  I have been so busy with study since I became a high school student that I hardly have any opportunity to go to the movies. Indeed, movies have ceased to interest me. Last night, however, an idea came to me that perhaps going to a movie would help relax my tense mind. So I went. It was a very funny comedy. Most of the audience, including myself, didn't stop laughing from the beginning to the end. The picture really relaxed me. I was able to study more effectively. The movie gave me one extra lesson: play is as important as work.


  I went to a movie last night, and it was an unpleasant experience. A lot of people had arrived before me, so I couldn't even get a ticket. Fortunately, when the movie was about to begin, I met a friend who happened to have two tickets. A friend of hers was supposed to see the movie with her; but as her friend did not show up, she let me have one of the tickets. When we entered the theater, the movie had already begun for a few minutes. And as bad luck would have it, no sooner had we settled into our chairs than the movie stopped. The audience shouted and booed, but there was still no movie. I was very angry and my friend was upset too. We were in no mood to wait, so we left. After saying goodbye to my friend, I took a bus home. What a terrible Saturday night!


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