
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08


Matsu, Goddess of the Sea

  My hometown has very large temple for Matsu, the Goddess of the Sea. Since the villagers are mostly farmers and fishermen, the holiday for Matsu is very important. Everyone tries to participate in the festivities of that day. Very early in the morning large drums will sound the beginning of the parade of gods coming to the temple to pay homage to Matsu. Children and adults line up along the streets to watch the parade, and some people pray as each god passes their house. Firecrackers sound in front of the procession as a sign of welcome. Many round tables with food are offered to the gods. That afternoon and evening there will be a Puppet show and a Chinese opera show to help celebrate the holiday. I enjoy going home to see the celebration of Matsu's birthday.


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