
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08


Lion Head Mountain

  We took the train to Chunan and then took The bus to Lion Head Mountain. First we visited Some relatives who lived nearby. Later we walked Up the connecting stairways to visit each temple. There are lots of Buddist temples built into the Sides and tops of the mountain. In one of the Biggest temples, we saw quite a few pilgrims who Came here directly from the base of the mountain By bus. However, most tourists we saw just like Us came to climb this mountain and take some Pictures of the scenery. By the time we were on Top of the mountain, it was interesting to see that it was very windy on one side of the mountain, but on the other side there was no wind at all; I guessed it would not be that way Everyday. It was about a four hours' walk for The whole trip. We really had plenty of exercise, And fresh air, too.



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