
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08


Sex Education Begins at Home

  My name is Mee-Mee. I am eighteen years old and the eldest of the family. Starting back in preschool years, I have been learning a lot about sex from my parents. They try to answer all questions in a natural manner. They initiate discussion as the opportunity arises. They respect my feelings and provide personal guidance. They use correct terms when explaining physiology. They use pictures, books, etc. to supplement verbal explanations. Their healthy attitudes towards sex as well as their factual answers about sex help me to grow in many ways: to accept myself and my gender role, to develop a sense of self-confidence, to be able to cope with one's sexual desires and feelings, and to establish a positive and healthy relationship with members of the opposite sex. To summarize, sex education is an integral part of child raising.


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