
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

First One: I’m from BEC company.
Americans often use rhythmic knocks when they arrive at a friend’s door. Many people can tell who is waiting at the door just by hearing the speed, rhythm and strength of the knock on their door. But to a deliveryman, things are different. Once the door is opened, he should introduce himself immediately in case of mistake.


Second One: Here is the scarf you ordered.
"Ordered" means that you already decided to buy an item and asked that it be delivered to your address. Sometimes the company will expect the customer to pay for the product before it is delivered. In any case, the delivery person will certainly appreciate and sometimes expect a delivery "tip".


Third One: I didn’tsgroupsa green one, I ordered a gray one.
This is an example of why correct pronunciation is important. A large percentage of people have varying degrees of color blindness. This handicap is passed down. Some have trouble distinguishing one color from another while others only see things in shades of gray. Most people will care about the color though, so listen carefully!


Fourth One: Your company made a mistake.
When the wrong product is delivered because of miscommunication, the company will usually be expected to correct the mistake and sometimes even give the customer a discount because of the mistake. The details of almost all business transactions in America are written down on receipts, which are then signed by customers to avoid communication errors.


Fifth One: That drives me crazy!
Some people hate certain very specific situations or events so much that it makes them angry every time it happens. This is called a "pet peeve". If you know someone well enough you will also know their pet peeves and can avoid making them angry... at least most of the time.



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