
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

46. We shall probably never be able to_________ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles.

  A) assert

  B) impart

  C) ascertain

  D) notify


  【解析】正确选项为C ),属于动词辨析题。

  选项C ) ascertain意为“发现;查明”,如:We must ascertain the usual customs of the local people and arrange according.(我们必须了解当地人民的风俗习惯,作做出相应安排。)

  选项A ) assert意为“断言”;

  选项B ) impart意为“告之,透露”;

  选项D ) notify意为“通知,报告”。

  47. All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colourful balloons slowly _________ into the sky.

  A) ascending

  B) elevating

  C) escalating

  D) lingering


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