
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.Eggs were on sale, and the shoppers ____the bargain.
A. snatched up B. snapped up
C. smashed up D. summoned up 
2.He soon made a ____ for himself on the stage.
A. popularity B. fame C. reputation D. respect 
3.Violence in the local prison has ____ two lives.
A. removed B. taken
C. cost D. slaughtered 
4.The unpleasant taste ____ in his mouth for hours.
A. lingered B. prolonged C. rested D. vanished 
5.His ____ book will deal with industrial relations.
A. eventual B. actual
C. forthcoming D. prompt 
6.I just managed to ____ a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.
A. gain B. possess C. grab D. snatch 
7.The waterskier ____ over the water.
A. skimmed B. floated C. drifted D. swam 
8.Have you seen my son’s latest ____ to his stamp collection?
A. accumulation B. acquisition
C. exhibit D. edition 
9.The noise was so ____ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.
A. dim B. gentle C. faint D. definite 
10.A ____ change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.
A. severe B. violent C. drastic D. strict 
11.When you choose a piece of cloth, the most important thing that you should pay attention to is its ____.
A. style B. texture C. textile D. content 
12.My mother came here only for a ____ stay. She would fly to Los Angeles the next day.
A. shortened B. prolonged C. premature D. transient 
13.She cast her eyes round the room in ____ of a chair to sit in.
A. question B. quest 
C. demand D. requirement 
14.You must be very careful. The work ____ precision.
A. retails B. repels C. retains D. entails 
15.She knows a lot of young men, but it isn’t easy to choose a/an ____ one who is both rich and attractive.
A. diligent B. qualified C. eligible D. elegant 
16.He was ____ about the spring outing, but he came back quite depressed and said he shouldn’t have joined in it.
A. enthusiastic B. fantastic
C. courageous D. discouraged 
17.____ the chance and the money, I’d come and see you in New York in the foreseeable future.
A. With regard to B. Considering
C. Given D. Assuming 
18.She is fond of ____, so don’t approach her and tell her what troubles you. She’ll make it known to all.
A. comment B. gossip C. speech D. appraisal 
19.The old man was kind and ____ enough to help the children cross the street.
A. gracious B. graceful C. timid D. lively 
20.The rising of prices will ____ off demands for pay increases.
A. trail B. switch C. trigger D. nudge 
21.The wind ____ the clouds and the sun was again visible.
A. dispersed B. distributed
C. displaced D. displayed 
22.She admired the director to such an extent that she took his words as ____ oracles.
A. divine B. rebellious
C. faithful D. unbearable 
23.The wreckage of the exploded car ____
 the traffic.
A. interfered B. interpreted
C. disrupted D. corrupted 
24.It was a close boxing game, but the boxer in blue was ____ to be the winner by three of the four referees.
A. destined B. deemed C. doomed D. adapted 
25.I’m acting as ____ while the manager is away on business.
A. agency B. policy C. deputy D. colleague 
26.His ____ personality provides good material for critics.
A. mature B. considered
C. literate D. dual 
27.The end ____ the means. This saying implies even a wrong or unfair method may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good.
A. modifies B. justifies C. purifies D. testifies 
28.The ____ of Confucius built the temple in memory of their ancestor.
A. descendants B. predecessors
C. correspondents D. opponents 
29.The chancellor ____ the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.
A. discharged B. disregarded
C. disguised D. disposed 
30.It was courageous enough for Galileo to ____ the falling object theory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.
A. advance B. defy C. justify D. translate


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