
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.In the ruins of the castle a book ____
 the 14th century royal family life was founded.
A. prescribing B. ascribing
C. depicting D. illustrating
2.I felt sorry that he had the ____ that I was cheating him.
A. motive B. notification
C. notion D. nightmare
3.Madame Curie ____ all her life to scientific research.
A. engaged B. attributed
C. dedicated D. addicted
4.On behalf of world peace, any international dispute should be settled by ____ or political means instead of by forces.
A. diplomatic B. dramatic
C. fantastic D. automatic
5.Parents should be cautious about their words and actions, for their children may ____ their behaviours.
A. react B. resist C. interpret D. duplicate
6.We can make full use of waste oil by ____ essences from it.
A. purifying B. refraining
C. distilling D. transmitting
7.All the world was ____ about the motive of the country to interfere in the dispute.
A. discrete B. subtle 
C. confidential D. dubious
8.The Republicans ____ the congress at present time.
A. major B. transfer C. dominate D. overtake
9.According to the doctor’s ____, he had got a light flu epidemic.
A. diagnosis B. synopsis C. synthesis D. thesis
10.The little boy was ____ at her mother’s words because she for the first time in her life lost her temper.
A. encouraged B. consolidated
C. dismayed D. disapproved
11.A ship is in great danger. Please point out the ship’s exact ____.
A. locality B. hazard C. loss D. district
12.I’m not sure that his business is strictly ____ for there is no definite stipulation in the related law.
A. legitimate B. reliable
C. obedient D. workable
13.It’s known to all that the sun ____ light and heat, which are essential to the growth of plants on earth.
A. sprays B. absorbs C. radiates D. reflects
14.In ____, the experiment was more difficult than we had imagined.
A. response B. retrospect
C. consequence D. particular
15.For fear of being scolded by the teacher, the boy gave a ____ excuse for his absence.
A. liberal B. temporary C. lame D. disabled
16.The broadcast was ____ to Europe so
that people in that region could hear our voice.
A. relayed B. exported
C. transferred D. transported
17.The three men were given different work according to their ____ abilities.A. identical B. respectable
C. respective D. respectful
18.He ____ whether the articles exhibited at the back of the department store were for sale.
A. demanded B.inquired C.required D.requested
19.The defeated army had to ____ hastily from the battle field to the mountainous area.
A. retrieve B. resign C. retreat D. quit
20.Your teacher is still very weak, so do not ____ your visit.
A. delay B. lengthen C. shorten D. prolong
21.He ____ enough information on his tour of South America to write a book.A. compiled B. packed C. edited D. assembled
22.Having suffered a lot of setbacks, he was getting too ____ to trust others.A. optimistic B. cynical
C. pessimistic D. solitary
23.It’s ____ to send cards to relatives and friends during the Christmas season.A. experimental B. superior
C. liberal D. customary
24.The complete ____ in Grade 4 includes computer, philosophy, paper writing and translation.
A. curriculum B. subject
C. procedure D. profession
25.Adult as he is, he hasn’t learned to ____ his temper.
A. resist B. retreat C. curb D. irritate
26.The robbers had just broken into the store, when the alarm rang, right on ____.
A. shift B. saleC. purpose D. cue
27.The ____ of the poet, the artist and the writer often bring fame without wealth.
A. discoveries B. creations
C. inventions D. revisions
28.Cigarette smoking is a major factor ___ to cancer.
A. attributing B. contributing
C. distributing D. constituting
29.He dreamed of being a newspaperman, even a foreign ____.
A. correspondent B. diplomat
C. press D. principal
30.To show our friendliness, we gave our ____ welcome to the delegation composed of visiting scholars.
A. gorgeous B. gentle
C. cordial D. innumerable


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