
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

Should one expect a reward when doing a good deed
  The argument over whether we do good deeds for a reward is heated. Some argue strongly that great deads deserve recognition and acclaim. In this selfish and materialistic world, it is vitally important to recognize and promote various noble deeds. Rewarding and encouraging good deeds helps set an inspiring example to the public. 
  The opposing view is that we should perform good deeds without expectations of any outcomes or rewards. Acknowledgements and credit shouldn't be given people who do good deeds with mixed motives. For example, some entrepreneurs supporting charity aims at tax reduction instead of lending a helping hand to others with a real motive. So we should do something good for others like Lei Feng without expectations of any economic and immaterial return.
  From my perspective, doing good deeds in exchange for rewards isn't an offense. We merit them. In fact, receiving sufficient public praise and attention serves as a contributing force behind the widespread promotion of good values. A role model sometimes outweighs a sole good deed.


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