
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title: Motorcycles and City Traffic. You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese):




  You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on Composition Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting.

  Motorcycles and City Traffic

   Nowadays, motorcycles are popular around us. They have be come an important means of transport in Chinese cities. Compared with the bike and the car, the motorcycle has its own advantages.
   First, it is quite flexible. When there is a traffic jam, it can go through the cars that are held up in the street. Besides, it doesn't consume much petrol. Most important of all, it can carry another person at the back.
   But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, it's very complicated to get qualified for riding a motorcycle. You'll have to go through a series of procedures to get a riding license. Furthermore, the maintenance is expensive. Worst of all, it costs a big sum of money to pay for the license plate, especially in Shanghai.
   In conclusion, it has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. However, if the authorities concerned simplify the procedures and reduce the cost of the license plate, the motorcycle will be accepted by more people.


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