
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09


Question:Family Planning

birth-control slogan living standards low birth rate one couple-one child

strategic policy achieve adopt advocate carry out enforce raise strengthen


China has adopted the policy of family planning as a necessity since the 1970s. The basic

content of China's family planning policy is to advocate late marriage and late childbirth.

And the government has been campaigning hard with the birth-control slogan "one couple-one child"

With the adoption of the family planning police, the population has been changed toward low birth rate. As a result, it enjoys the understanding and support of the population and has achieve, China would have had 260 million more than present population. Now, our living standards are raised, life is more prosperous, and our national economy has developed steadily. However, the program has not been effectively carried out, espedially in the countryside, where many couples still keep trying for more children.The achievements in population control of China have fully proved that family planning policy is unshakable. The government must strengthen the program and enforce it as a strategic policy in the long run.



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