
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

 英语四六级范文:The GDP Growth of Country X

As  can be clearly seen from the table, the gross domestic product (GDP) of  Country X has soared from 300 billion dollars in 1980 to 1,000 billion  dollars in 2000, more than 200 percent higher. The rapid increase tells  us vividly how well the economy has developed during the past two  decades.

As far as the reasons for this change are  concerned, we can list several most important ones. To begin with, the  government of the country has adopted the policy of reform and opening  up for more than twenty years, which liberated people from old  constraints. What s more, while all the people have been actively involved in economic  activities in order to better their lives, they contributed a lot to the  national economy. Last but not least, the enterprises have taken  advantage of this golden opportunity to make big profits, thus  unintentionally speeding up the economic growth.

There is  no denying that the country has successfully and smoothly developed its  economy. As long as all the parties concerned, the government, the  people and the enterprises make concerted efforts, the GDP growth will  be even faster and healthier. (188 words)


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