
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

英语四六级范文:The Average Worker Expense in City X

Great changes have taken place in a worker s family from 1988 to 1993. The average worker income has increased from  560 yuan in 1988 to 880 yuan in 1993, more than 50 percent higher.  Since there is a remarkable increase, the way in which the average  worker spends his income has also changed accordingly.

Workers spend more money on food and housing, especially on articles  for daily use, which shows that their material living standard is rising  rapidly. Their spending on clothing remains the same from 1988 to 1993  and their expenditure on fuel in 1993 is only half that of 1988. They  are not satisfied with the present condition any more. They long to live  a more comfortable and better life. It is clear from the table that as  incomes increase people can afford to live more comfortably and eat  better.

However, the money they spent on entertainment is very small, only 2%  to 3% of the total income, which shows workers in City X go to cinema  or theater once or twice a year. This condition will be changed soon.  Now more and more money will be invested on education, and as the income  increases, the living standard will rise gradually.   (203 words)


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