despatch [dispatch] note 包裹发递单
discounted notes 贴现票据
dishonored notes 拒付的票据
documentary promissory note 跟单期票
domicile note 外埠付款期票
emergency note 临时兑换券
endorsed note 已背书票据
error note 订正通知单
exchange contract note 外汇[汇兑]合约
Federal Reserve Bank note 联邦准备银行券
floating rate note (FRN) 浮动利率本票
foreign promissory note 国外期票
forged note 伪造的票据
freight note 运(费)单
inland note 国内普通票据
inter-company note(s) 联营公司间内部票据
interest note 利息单
interest-bearing note 附息票据; 生息券[票据]
issue note 发料单
jerque note 海关检验证
joint note 联名票据
long-term notes 长期票据
matured note 到期票据
mortgage note 抵押票据
negotiable note 有价证券
non-interest-bearing notes 无息[不附息]票据
non-negotiable note 非流通期票
note at sight [demand] 即期 票据, 见票即付的票据
note for a term 期票
note in substitution for currency 票据用作通货
note of dishonour 退票通知书
note of hand 期票, 本票
note of register 票据登记簿
note on demand 见票即付的票据
note on discount 贴现票据
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