combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement 现金收支汇总表
combined statement of income and earned surplus 损益与公积金合并计算书
combined statement of income and retained earnings 损益及保留盈余合并表
combined statement of receipts and expenditures balances, etc. 收支余额等一览表
combined statement of revenues -estimated and actual general and special revenue funds 估计岁入和实际岁入合并表—普通岁入基金和特种岁入基金
common dollar financial statement 不变币值财务报表, 共同货币财务报表
common-size financial statements 百分率财务报表
comparative statements 比较(财务)报表, 比较计算书
comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss 预期损益与实际损益比较表
comparative statement of cost per production hour 生产小时成本比较表
comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour 生产小时每月成本比较表
comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit 每月单位作业成本比较表
comparative statement of operation cost 作业成本比较表
comparative statement of order costs 分批成本比较表
comparative statement of product costs 产品成本比较表
comparative statement of revenue and expense 收入与费用比较表
comparative financial statement 比较财务报表
comparative income statement 比较收入表, 比较损益计算书
comparative operating statement 比较营业表
composite percentage statement 综合百分比决算表
compositive fund statement 综合基金表
condensed income statement 简明损益计算书
conditional statement 条件语言
conglomerate financial statement 联合企业财务报表
consolidated statement 汇总报表
consolidated statement of cost of goods sold 合并销货成本表
consolidated statement of resources and obligations 汇总资产负债表
consolidated financial statement 包括子公司的财务报表
consolidated income statement 损益汇报表
consolidated retained earnings statement 统一盈余留存表
consolidated surplus statement 综合[合并]盈余表
corporate proxy statement 公司委托声明书
cost statement 成本表
counting statements 会计报表的编制方法
credit statement 信用报告书
current operating (performance) income statement 本期[经常]营业损益表
current purchasing power statement 按现时购买力编制的财务报表
customers statement 客户结单
cut-off statement 截止日报表
daily statement of account 每日[月]对帐单
monthly statement of account 每日[月]对帐单
declarative statement 声明书
deficit reconciliation statement 亏损额计算书
departmen-tal income statement 部门损益计算书
descriptive financial statement 附有说明书的损益计算书
detailed statement of accounts 帐户明细表
detailed supporting statement 明细附表
discussion statement 讨论表(即讨论式决算表)
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