reconciliation account 调节[协调]帐户
reconciling bank account 核对银行存款帐户, 调节银行存款帐户
regional account 计算国民收入的地区帐户
regular bank account 普通银行存款户
reliable account 可靠帐户
remit account 划帐
render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单
render an account 开送帐单; 报帐
rent account 租金帐
repair and maintenance account 修缮费帐
reserve account 公积金帐; 准备金帐户
reserve fund account 储备基金帐户
residential account 居民帐户(住在本国居民的帐户)
returned purchases account 进货退出[回]帐
returned sales account 销货退回帐户
revaluation account 重估价帐户
revenue account 营业收入帐户[会计], 收益帐, 进款帐
revenue and expenditure account 出入[收支]帐目
revolving funds account 周转资金帐
run up an account 赊欠, 挂账; 负债; 登账
running account 流水[往来]帐户
sale on account 赊销
salvage account 残废料帐户
savings account 储蓄帐户
secondary account 附属帐户, 次级帐户
sector accounts 部门帐户
secured accounts 担保帐户[款]
securities account 证券帐户
send in an account 开送帐单; 报帐
separate account 专帐
sequestered account 根据法院命令查封的帐户
service account 劳务帐
settle another's account 垫帐
share draft account 股金提款帐户
short account 抛空[卖空]帐户
short landing account 短卸帐单
short period cost account 短期成本帐户
simple cost account 品别成本帐户
single account 个人帐户
skeleton accounts T 字形帐户
sleeping account 停滞帐目
small saving account 零星蓄储存款
society account 社团帐户
special account 专用帐户; 特种帐单
special account for traffic revenue 运输收入专户
special current account 特别往来存款
special drawing account 特别提款权帐户
special fund appropriation accounts 特种基金拨款帐户
special fund receipt accounts 特种基金收入帐户
special surplus account 特别公积金帐户, 特别准备金
specified account 专用帐户; 特种帐单
standing job accounts 经常工作帐户
state appropriation account 国家拨款帐户
statistical account 统计帐户
stock account 存货帐, 股份或股本帐目, 资本帐
stock record account 库存记录帐
storage charge account 存储费帐
store imprest account 备用材料帐
sub-control account 局部统制帐户
subscriber's account 用户帐单
subsidiary ledger accounts 辅助[明细]分类帐户
substitution account 替代帐户
successor account 备付帐户
summary account 汇总帐户