With China‘s entry into the WTO, market reforms have been fast tracked in an effort to make Chinese enterprises ready for increased competition from foreign companies. While the participants have quickly adopted some reforms, some sectors have been slow to change. One sector in particular that has found it difficult to adjust is the banking sector. Don't be mistaken, it is not that the sector is opposing change, it is the large number of obstacles to the change. | 随着中国加入WTO,市场改革加快了步伐,目的是让中国企业作好应付来自国外公司的日益剧烈的竞争准备。在参与者迅速采取改革措施的时候,有些部门的变革却来得太慢。特别是银行部门的整顿,尤为困难。不要误会,这不是说这个部门反对变革,而是说改革面临大量的障碍。 |