

China Economy Overview
    The size of the Chinese economy is likely to climb, in world rankings, from its current position as the sixth largest to the second largest by 2030, said economists with global investment bank Lehman Brothers.
    With its gross domestic product (GDP) growing at an annual rate of 6 per cent, China will come in after the United States to secure the second place spot, the economists said.
    Such an economy stands to offer exciting business and capital market opportunities to foreigners over the next 10 years or so, said Robert Subbaraman, a Lehman Brothers senior economist who is the co-author of a newly released comprehensive report on China's economic, political, social and foreign policy prospects over the next 10 years.
    At a press conference last week in Beijing, Subbaraman and his colleagues offered detailed explanations of their forecasts regarding the impact of the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), growth opportunities and how to do business in China.
1.likely adj.很可能的, 有希望的
2.climb v.攀登, 上升
3.ranking n.等级;顺次
4.current position目前的位置
6.Lehman Brothers莱曼兄弟(投资银行)
7.gross domestic product (GDP)国内生产总值 make certain; ensure确信:使肯定;确保
9.stand n.位置 market资本市场
11.a newly released comprehensive report新发表的综合报告
12.a press conference记者招待会
13.forecast n.预测;预报
14.impact n.the power of making a strong, immediate impression影响力
15.accession n. access; admittance进入;接收
16.World Trade Organization (WTO)世界贸易组织


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