

In the report, Subbaraman said the answer to the question: "Should we be there?" is a cautious "yes" for multinational investors with a global foothold.
    On one hand, China is steadily moving towards a market-based economy and its recent WTO entry will accelerate this, he said.
    Furthermore, globalization and the information age have spurred the pace and momentum to dramatic levels.
    On the other hand, there are risks, especially for foreign investors over the next two to three years. China's WTO accession will result in painful adjustment costs in conjunction with unfinished financial and State-owned enterprise (SOE) reforms, as well as rapid urbanization, he said.
    "But our near-term assessment is that, provided macroeconomic policies remain accommodative, the economy will weather this difficult period, very likely averaging GDP growth of around 7 per cent," added Subbaraman.
Bible n.a book considered authoritative in its field权威书籍:被认为是某一领域里具有权威性的书
  例:the bible of French cooking.
foothold n.立足处
market-based economy市场经济
globalization n.全球化
information age信息时代
pace n.速度, 步调
momentum n.动力, 要素
dramatic a.戏剧性的, 生动的
adjustment n.调整, 调节
in conjunction with…与……一道
conjunction n.联合, 关联
urbanization n.都市化, 文雅化
macroeconomic policy宏观经济政策
accommodative a.善于适应新环境的


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