
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

2.Automatic Deposit Service
  Automatic deposit service is a kind of service in which the bank grants with the trust of state organs, public institutions and enterprises pays directly to their staff members and workers through their current accounts opened with the bank.
  The handling procedures are as follows: after consultations between the bank and the pay issuer, the latter shall fill in and give a letter of authorization for pay giving on commission to the bank, each staff member of the pay issuer shall open a current account with the bank who in turn issues to them passbooks or ATM cards with which they may withdraw their deposits. This kind of business changes the traditional practice of clients and is more convenient for the clients as it changes the practice of “use before depositing” to “use after depositing”.

3.Transfer Service For Security Company
  Currently, the bank's main agency services for stock trading include banking-securities transfer service and stock trading settlement service on commission.
  (1)Banking-securities transfer service: it refers to service of mutual transfers between accounts of bank deposits and accounts of securities margins provided to clients through such methods as savings counters, telephone banking service and POS system of the bank.
  (2)Stock trading settlement service on commission refers to receipt, payment, transfer and settlement of stock trading funds through the current account of a stock investor that is handled by the bank as agent of the securities company when a stock transaction takes place. This is aimed to facilitate share subscription and trading of stock investors.


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