
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

According to the unified regulation of PBC, the following businesses must be handled at banks through the personal settlement account:
-Accepting inward fund transfer from any other person or unit (such as agency salary payment account, accepting remittance from any other person or unit);
-Money transfer from any other account under its own name (including its own current saving account and settlement account);
-Outward account transfer and remittance (money transfer to any other person or unit);
-Credit card consumption (consumption and online shopping through Peony Money Link Card or "Elite Club" account card);
-Payment of charges (for telephone fee and mobile phone fee);
-Investment (T-bond, funds, insurance and securities purchase);
-Loan (the granting and repayment of various loans including housing loan, auto loan and unsecured loan);
-Handling credit card or personal check.


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