
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Unclean bills of lading非清洁提单
Chartered party bill of lading租船提单
No evidence of goods actually “shipped on board”未加注“已装船”
Shipment made between ports other than those stated in the credit非指定港装卸船
Goods shipped on deck货装甲板
Bill of lading does not evidence whether freight is prepaid / paid or not未显示运费已付
Presentation of an insurance documents of a type other than that required by the credit 非指定保单类型
Insurance risks covered not as specified in the credit投保险种为非指定险种
Insurance cover expressed in a currency other than that of the credit投保金额非指定货币
Under insured保额低于规定
Insurance not effective from the date on the bill of lading保险有效日期与提单日不同
Documents inconsistent with each other单单不符
Description of goods on invoice differs from that in the credit发票上货物描述不符
Weights differ between documents单单之间重量不符
The amounts shown on the invoice and bill of exchange differ发票与汇票金额不符
Marks and numbers differ between documents唛头和编号单单不符
Absence of documents called for in the credit缺少信用证要求的单据
Bill of exchange drawn on a wrong party汇票受票人错误
Bill of exchange payable on an indeterminable date汇票付款日期不确定
Bill of lading, insurance document or bill of exchange not endorsed correctly提单、保单、汇票背书有误
Absence of signatures, where required, on documents presented单据缺少签字
Credit amount exceeded超证
Credit expired效期过
Late shipment and presentation迟装船并迟交单
Short shipment短装
Over shipped and over drawn超装并超金额


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