
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Personal comprehensive consumer loan is referred to the RMB loan provided to the borrower by the bank, used for designated concrete consumption.
It can be divided into 4 levels as 6-month, 1-year, 2-year and 3-year. The loan varies from 2,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan. Personal comprehensive consumer loan features wide consumption uses, high loan line, flexible loan term, etc. It's the ideal choice for a wide range of consumers for achieving the aim of "pay thefuture fortune in advance and enjoy advancing life".
The loan line should be more than 2,000 Yuan and less than 500,000 Yuan and the detailed loan line will be determined by bank according to borrower's credit status and the guarantee offered.
The term of the loan can be divided into 4 levels, such as 6-month, 1-year, 2-year and 3-year.
The loan interest rate is implemented in accordance with the loan interest rate stipulated by the People's Bank of China for the corresponding period. If the loan term is shorter than 1 year, the contract interest rate will be implemented; If the loan term is longer than 1 year, it will be counted on grades and the regulation of legal interest rate will start from the beginning of next year, and the new interest rate shall be implemented in accordance with corresponding interest rate.


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