
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

Some people think that it is the responsibility of government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyle.
Others think people should be free to make their lifestyle decisions. Discuss the both viewpoints and
give your own opinion. (政府决策类)



Introduce the topic
*Viewpont1 (Paraphrase)
*Viewpoint2 (Paraphrase)

主干部分 (对称结构):

Transitional Sentence
*Merit of Viewpint1 (Help young people back to track)
*Problem of Viewpoint1 (Hard to execute/can't be forced)

Transitional Sentence
*Merit of Viewpoint2 (Symbol of Freedom)
*Problem of Viewpint2 (Self-control)


*Indicate both viewpoints have problems
*Come to conclude your own opinion (Guide instead of forcing)


Some people hold that government should hold the full responsibility to make sure that people lead their lives in a healthy way. Others, however, argue that it is only the people themselves that can decide which lifestyle they pursue. (39 words)

On one hand, the proposal that government should ensure people to choose a healthy lifestyle sounds reasonable to a certain extent. In fact, quite a number of people, especially young people, are living in unhealthy lifestyles. For example, a lot of teenagers are staying up late for parties or PC games, which potentially do harm to their physical and mental health. If government do something, for instance, banning all pubs and internet cafes in cities, it is likely that those people will have to discard their obsession and revert to a normal lifestyle. (93 words) Nevertheless, it has to be pointed out that although the practice seems to be sounding, it is unlikely to solve the problem thoroughly. For example, even if all the pubs and internet cafes are officially banned, chances are that those young people will still indulge themselves in unhealthy lifestyles playing PC games or throwing parties till midnight at home. (58 words)

On the other hand, those who call for the freedom to choose their own lifestyles also have a point. Indeed, it would be a sign indicating that people’s freedom are fully recognized and respected if a government leaves the decision to people themselves. (43 words) However, it should not be ignored that some young people who do lack self-control are possibly to be fully obsessed with self-indulgent lifestyles if the government virtually does nothing about it. (31 words)

From the above analysis, it could be noted that either viewpoint has obvious problems. In my opinion, the government needs to play a role in guiding people to live in a healthy way but it is never possible for the government to literally “ensure” that by taking compulsory measures. (49 words)

(303 words altogether)



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