
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-09

  这是一封索赔信(Presenting a Claim)。由于对方“交货推迟”,影响发信方“圣诞节促销”,因此发信方以折中方式提出索赔,即“在30%的减价条件下接受货物”。

  Dear Sirs,

  Our Order No. 255 for Christmas gifts

  The above goods reached here on January 2. We have to regret to tell you that we can't accept them, because of the late delivery. According to our agreement, the goods should have arrived before December 1 for the Christmas promotion.

  Nevertheless, as you have sent us the goods, what we can do now is to accept them at a reduction of 30%.

  It would be appreciated if you could give us a prompt answer to solve the problem.

  Yours sincerely,


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