
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-09

  这是一份英文的雇佣协议(Employment Agreement),协议规定雇主应付的酬金和雇员应尽的责任。由于协议具有法律约束力,所以第三人称的将来式一律用shall,请看下面的范文:

Employment Agreement

  Brainstorming Company Limited, the employer, hereby employs Jim the employee, to perform duties as stipulated below, in consideration for which the employer shall pay the employee at the rate of US $ 3, 000 per month and, in addition, compensate him for any other expense incurred by him when he is carrying out his duties.

  In keeping with the above-mentional remuneration, the employee shall agree to carry out the following duties, to negotiate with American authorities about the cooperation between Brainstorming group and business circles of the USA; to arrange for the visits of Steve Wang, president, and other executive to America; to act as authorized representative in any relating to the cooperation with America and to respond to any inquires from China parties.

  In this employment, the employee shall act honestly, laboriously and to the best of hsi ability.

  This agreement shall take effect on January 1st, 2002. If one party wants to terminate the agreement, a written notice one month beforehand shall be given to another party.


             Signature       Signature

             Employer       Employee


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