
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-09

  这封商务书信要求替换货物(Requesting Replacement)。发信人发现由于“错误包装”(Faulty packing)致使部分货物“受损”(Damaged),因此要求对方替换“有瑕疵的货”(Defective goods)。

  Dear Sirs,

  We are so sorry to inform you that your shipment covering our L/C No. 5562 for 2,000 dozen sunglasses but found some 200 dozen were damaged to such an extent that they are not suitable for sale due to faulty packing.

  We are enclosing the inspection report and no doubt believe that you will replace these defective sunglasses as soon as possible. Your prompt answer would be appreciated.

  Yours sincerely,


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