这是一份张贴在商店门口的推销通告,也可以以信函方式投入到信箱里。正文中的in the line of men’s socks and shits中的line是“行业”或“货物种类”的意思。“惠顾”译成to solicit patronage, 其中solicit 有“恳求”的意思,而patronage则有“经常光顾”的含义。
Notice on the Establishment of a New Company
We are glad to inform you that we have established ourselves as importers and exporters from today in the line of the line of men’s socks and shirts.
We are proud to say that we have done business in this trade for many years and established satisfactory relations with various manufacturers and suppliers in many countries. Therefore, we can submit offers at lowest prices.
We sincerely solicit your kind patronage which will have our prompt and careful attentions.