
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-09

Now, I’ll show you how easy the Autodialler is to use. There are only three buttons: a “new” button, a “find” button, and a “dial” button. To enter a new name and phone number, press the “new” button. Then say the person’s name. When the name is displayed say the telephone number. To find a name, press the “find” button and say the person’s name. When the name is displayed you may dial the number, change the name or telephone number, or delete the information. To dial the number, point the Autodialler at your telephone and press the “dial” button.

As you can see, the Autodialler has many useful features, it’s very compacted, and it’s easy to use. I’m sure you’ll agree that there will be a large market for it.

Thank you.

Check out one infomercial you really hate to see. Try to transform it into a 3-minute long business presentation by using some language references in part five.

Part V Supplementary Materials
Language reference
Below is a list of phrases and sentence patterns that may help you prepare your presentation. Remember, however, that every presentation is unique, and you must decide for yourself which language is appropriate for your presentation.

The introduction 介绍

Basic introduction 基本介绍
Today I’m going to tell you about a new kind of material.
I’d like to talk about our recent sales performance.
Today, I’d like to show you a way to cut costs.
Today, I’m going to explain our strategy for next year.

Narrowing the topic 缩小范围
In particular, I will explain how the material can be used in many of our products.

Referring to background information 涉及背景资料
As you probably know, our market share has been falling in recent years.
Some of you may know about our research program.
You may be aware of the features of the RS-4 model.

Presenting the overview 总览程序

First, I’m going to… 首先,我将要...
Second, I’ll show you … 其次, 我将要展示给您...
Then, I’d like to … 再次, 我想...
After that, I’ll explain … 然后, 我会解释...
Finally, I’ll … 最后, 我将...

Signaling and linking 承上启下

Sequencing 层次
Now, I’ll explain … 现在, 我来解释...一下
Let’s now consider … 我们来考虑一下...
This brings us to … 由此得来...
Finally, … 最后...

Directing attention 吸引注意力
Please look at this chart. 请看图表
Let’s take a look at this table. 我们来看表格.
Take a look at the diagram. 大家看一下图表
If you look at this graph, you will see … 大家从这张曲线图可以看出...
As you can see from this chart, … 正像大家从这张图表中看到的一样...

Cause and effect 原因与结果
Since increased performance is not our only concern, I’d now like to talk about
由于业绩增长并不是我们唯一关注的, 我想在此谈论一下...
As a result of this new feature, we must now consider
由于这个新的特点, 我们现在必须考虑...
As a result, we have to find new ways to increase our market share.
由此, 我们不得不寻找增长我们市场占有额的新方法.
Consequently, we have been developing a more efficient engine.
结果, 我们已经开发了一台更高性能的发动机。
Therefore, I’d now like to show you our latest test results.

Purpose 目的
In order to take advantage of this new technology, we have to look at the market. 为了利用这个新技术的优势, 我们一定要了解市场。
For the new model to work effectively, we need a new kind of valve.

Contrast 对比
Although the machine operates well at low temperatures, at high temperatures there are some problems.
Unlike the ST-4X, the ST5X is very compact.
Instead of batteries, the news model uses solar power.
Nevertheless,… 然而...
However,… 但是...
On the other hand,… 另外...

Reinforcement 进一步的补充说明
In addition to Asia, we are also marketing the product in South America.
除亚洲外, 我们还在南美开发了市场。
In addition, we plan to introduce more robots to our production lines.
除此之外, 我们计划在生产线上引入更多的机器人。
Furthermore, the program can translate from Japanese to English.
另外, 此程序可以从日语翻成英语。

Introducing a summary 介绍总结
As you can see, these improvements increase fuel efficiency and allow us to lower our production costs.

Introducing a concluding statement 陈述
I am sure these improvements will allow us to win back our market share.
It’s clear that the new model meets all of our customers’ requirements.

Graphs and charts 图表

Describing the purpose of a chart 讲述图表的用途
It shows our sales from 1985 to 1990.
It shows the stages in the manufacturing process.
If you look at this diagram, you will see how the equipment works.

Describing parts of a graph 描述图表的各个部分
The horizontal axis represents temperature.
The horizontal axis shows sales in millions of dollars.
The black columns show sales of memory chips.
The solid line shows the pressure.
The broken line shows the interest rate.
The dotted line represents the rate of unemployment.
The gray segment represents our market share.
灰色部分显示我们的市场占有 额。
The hatched section shows the proportion of women.

Describing the units of a graph or diagram 描述图表的单位
The units are in meters.
The figures are in thousands of dollars.
The numbers are in tens of thousands of dollars.

Describing the significance of information 突出特点内容
It’s clear that demand is increasing.
The graph clearly shows that the new machine’s performance is better.
The figures show that the cost of materials has risen by 25%.
The results seem to show that oxygen quickens the reaction time.
The information suggests that consumers are not satisfied.


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