
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12

  第八天 Ordering Lunch
  Karl: Do you have time to stop for lunch?
  Ann: Yes, I'm hungry. This restaurant has a good selection and the prices are moderate.
  Karl: That sounds fine with me. Let's try it.
  Ann: Where do you want to sit, the smoking or the nonsmoking section?
  Karl: I prefer nonsmoking, but the sign says to wait to be seated.
  Hostess: Good afternoon. How many are in your party?
  Ann: Just two and we'd like a booth in the nonsmoking section, if you have one.
  Hostess: Right this way. Follow me. Will this booth be all right?
  Karl: The one by the window would be better, thanks.
  Ann: No problem. Here are your menus. Your server will be right with you.
  Server: Hello, my name is Chris, and I'm your server today. May I bring you something to begin with, a drink or some appetizers perhaps?
  Karl: No appetizer for me. I'll have a glass of water for now.
  Ann: I'd like an iced tea, decaffeinated or herbal. What flavors do you have?
  Server: We have mint, peach, or raspberry.
  Ann: Bring me a large mint, please.
  Server: Will that be all, or are you ready to order?
  Karl: I'm ready. I'll have the veggie sandwich on whole wheat. Hold the mayonnaise, please.
  Server: That comes with your choice of soup or a salad.
  Karl: What soups do you have?
  Server: We have potato, bean, vegetable beef, or cream of broccoli.
  Karl: Does the potato soup have pork in it?
  Server: Yes, it has pieces of ham.
  Karl: Well, then I'll have the cream of broccoli.
  Ann: I'd like a hamburger on a sour dough bun with plenty of onions, please.
  Sever: How do you want your burger cooked, medium, or well done?
  Ann: Medium will be fine, thanks.
  Server: The burger comes with your choice of cole slaw or fries.
  Ann: Make it fries, and please bring ketchup with them.
  Server: Will that be all?
  Karl: I think so. Please bring us the check when you return with our food. We're pressed for time


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