
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12


    A: I really must be going now.

    B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?

    A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't.

    B Well, it's too bad (遗憾) that you have to go.

    A: Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party!

    B: It was our pleasure.来源:www.examda.com


    1. We really enjoyed your company. (我们喜欢与你为伴。)

    2. Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time.

    3. Please give my best regards to your sister.

    4. I'll be seeing you!

    5. A: Take care of yourself. /Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! /Take it easy!

    6. I shall miss all of you. Let's get together soon.  来源:www.examda.com

    7. I hope I can see you again. /Let's meet more often.


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