
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12

A World of Birthday Celebrations

  You may think birthdays mean only cake, presents, and a joyful sing- along of “happy Birthday.” However, there are many varieties of birthday celebrations. In the West, many birthday traditions come from an ancient belief that evil1 spirits showed up on a person’s birthday. To drive troublemaking spirits away, friends would visit each other on their birthdays. Today, people still get together for birthday parties. But around the world, birthdays are celebrated in many different ways.

  In eastern Canada, children get their noses greased2 with butter on their birthdays. The butter is supposed to make children too slippery3 for bad luck to stick to them. Irish people lift birthday children upside down and bump4 them on the floor for every year of their age. Mexico also has a unique birthday tradition. A papier-mache animal is filled5 with candy and toys and hung from the ceiling. The blindfolded birthday child then tries to hit the animal with a stick until it bursts6 open.




  1.evil adj. wanting to cause harm; extremely bad 害人的;邪恶的

  Most people believe that murder is an evil act.


  2.grease v. to add oil to sth. so that other things don’t stick to it 涂油于 …

  The cook greased the pan before frying the vegetables.


  3.slippery adj. oily; difficult to hold or grasp 滑溜的

  Driving in rainy weather is dangerous because the roads are very slippery.


  4.bump v. to hit lightly; to knock 轻碰;碰撞

  Be careful not to bump that vase when you move the table.


  5.fill v. to put as much into sth. as it can hold 装满;倒满

  The bartender filled Ted’s empty glass with beer.


  6.burst v. to suddenly break open 爆开;胀裂

  Pablo ate so many sandwiches that he felt his stomach would burst.


  More Information

  1.papier-mache n. 以混拟手法制成的纸(将报纸、浆糊、面粉及水加以混合,让其风干凝固,再用相同手法往上层层制作)

  2.blindfold v. 蒙住 … 的眼睛


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