
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12

Liu: Hello, we want to claim our business tax for one technical service contract and get the formal invoice. Would you please tell me which materials should be submitted?

Officer: Ok. Take with your contract, fill out the business tax claim form, and we'll audit these materials. If no problem, then we 'll issue the formal invoice to you.


刘:你好, 我们想为一份技术服务合同申报营业税,并且取得发票。请问我们要准备哪些材料?

税务局官员:好的。请带上你的合同,并且填好营业税申报表, 然后我们会进行审查。如果没有问题,我们会尽快签发正式的发票给你。


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