The statistics I've just given show that Taiwan is definitely a youth-oriented market, and will remain so for another ten years. The companies that successfully target this segment have higher sales and larger market shares year in and year out. I've prepared a few diagrams showing which companies dominate the market, and the types of advertising they use to keep their sales.
This bar chart shows the top four companies and their market shares: the American Jonny&Jammy Company leads the pack with 29%, followed by the domestic firm, V08, at 21%. The Japanese MARUMI is next with 17%, and the French company, La-Rose, is last with 12%. The next chart, a pie graph, shows a breakdown of their advertising: the largest wedge at 62% represents TV commercials; a quarter of their budget goes to magazine and newspaper ads, and the remainder is for purchasing advertising and posters placed in shops where their products are sold.
1. youth-oriented 以年轻人为导向的
youth是"青少年人"的意思。基本上各年龄层的泛称有:children(小孩)、teenagers(青少年)、adults(成年人)和the elderly(老年人)。
I suggest youth-oriented commercials when we introduce the new cereal.
2. year in and year out 每年;年复一年
In 和out在这里是指"出"、"入",也就是"来"、"去"的意思。"年来年又去",给人一种连续不断的感觉,有强调的意思。其实它就是指 every year、year after year。
Year in and year out, Ven-Ven is a leader in creative advertising.
3. lead the pack 领先群雄
Pack 常用的意思是"包;捆",如:a pack of cigarettes(一包香烟);但在这里是指"一群(人)"。整个词组原来是说有一群人在赛跑,其中一人超越了其它竞赛对手,居于领先地位。现在只要是形容某人在团体中表现最好,就可以用这个词组。
Because she studied hard, she led the pack in the race to get into a good university.