121.global economy :全球经济
Worldwide trade, travel, competition, etc.
Companies in the 1990s are thinking globally in order to stay competitive in the new global economy.
122.GNP :国民生产总值
An abbr. For “gross national product.” The total annual monetary value of all goods, services, and products sold on markets of national economy.
“gross national product” 的缩写词,指在国民经济市场上销售的所有商品、服务和产品的年度货币总值。
What was Japan’s GNP in 1987?
123.golden parachute :高额离职补贴
A substantial compensation given to top executives as a severance bonus when they are terminated from the positions in the event of a corporate merger or takeover.
CEOs typically receive a golden parachute when their companies are seized in a hostile takeover.
124.gray market :灰色市场
A market in which scare goods such as computer chips are traded at above-market prices through irregular channels or by methods not illegal but usually not considered ethical.
以高于正常市场价格来销售稀缺商品如电脑芯片的市场。这种交易通常以非正常渠道进行,手段虽不犯法但也不被认为是合乎道德的。 15
Our company is losing a lot of money to similar products being sold on the gray market.
125.greenmail :绿票欺诈
The purchase, usually in secret, of a large block of a company’s stock, thereby signaling a possible takeover attempt, and ultimately forcing the company to try to thwart the attempt by buying back its stock at a much higher price.
The ABC company found themselves a victim of greenmail when they realized they had bought back their stock at a much higher price.
126.hardball :商场上的杀手锏,动真格
Slang for highly competitive or ruthless business practices.
Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball.
127.hostile takeover :敌意接管
The act of taking control of a company by buying up enough of its stock t gain a controlling interest.
Last year the small airline company was bought up in a hostile takeover.
128.hyperinflation :高通胀
Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying.
The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public.
129.inflation :通货膨胀
A sustained rise in the price of goods and services.
Has the rate of inflation dropped in the last six months?
130.junk bond :风险债券,垃圾债券
A slang term for a high-risk bond that offers a high return but is considered to have a dubious backing.
Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term ”junk bond king.”