
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Prediction 1: Some people believe that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others think that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why.

My View on Cooperation and Competition 参考范文

Prediction 2: We are now living in an information age and have found that there is so much information around us, how shall we face this information explosion and become successful college students?

How to be successful in our college study in an information age?

Prediction 3: Nowadays, heated discussions are held everywhere regarding people’s attitude toward success, some think it can only be measured by monetary success, some think not. What’s your opinion on that and why?

Can success be measured in terms of money alone? 参考范文

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My ideal job

Where to live—in the city or in the country

Active classes or passive classes

By email/phone or By letter

The positive and negative effects of computers

No pains, no gains

How to enlarge our vocabulary

Economic development and environmental protection

My view on Euthanasia (mercy killing)

Is failure a bad thing?

My view on computer games

On how to become a good student


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