
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  17.我们在为钱争论地正酣时他推门进来了。(We were in the middle of arguing about//over money when he pushed in.)

  18.黄浦江曲曲弯弯流经上海市区,最后注入东海。(The Huangpu River winds its way across the city proper of Shanghai and pours into the East China Sea.)

  19.能讲一口漂亮英语的人已相当少见,而既能讲一口漂亮英语又唱歌唱得好的人就更是凤毛麟角了。(Those who can speak good English are quite rare while those who both speak good English and sing good songs are the rarity of rarity.)

  20.我在上海一直过得很开心,但是我在英语学习方面依然有些不太顺。(I’ve been having a very good time in Shanghai, but I still have trouble with my English study.)

  21.我这两周来一直感到晕乎乎的。我吃了各种各样的药,还做了大量的锻炼,但这一切一点效果也没有。(I’ve been feeling dizzy in the past two weeks. I’ve taken all kinds of medicines and have exercised a lot, but these have not had any effect.)

  22.她是我见到过的最甜的女孩子了,堪称绝无仅有!(She is the sweetest girl I have ever met in the world. She is next to none!)

  23.深夜里,走在空寂无人的大街上,我感到极度的寂寞。(Walking down the silent deserted street late at night, I felt extremely lonely.)

  24.当轮到我发言时,我突然失去了信心。(When it was my turn to speak, , my confidence suddenly deserted me.)

  25.我认为我们不应该削减广告预算。(I don’t think we should cut back our advertising budget.)

  26.不是有句老话嘛:“眼不见,心不烦”。去找个安静的地方放松几天。(As the old saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind”. Go find a quiet place and relax for a few days.)

  27.每当我想到早年的艰辛和漫漫成功之路,就会有种成就感。要知道,努力总会有回报的。(Whenever I remember my hard early years and the long road to success, I always have a sense of achievement. You know, hard work always pays off.)

  28.我可以抵御一切,就是抵挡不住诱惑!(I can resist all but temptation!)

  29.我陷入沉思。(I was wrapped up in deep thoughts.)

  30.我都快要油漆完墙壁了他才来告诉我油漆的颜色搞错了!(I had almost finished painting the wall before he came to tell me that the paint was in the wrong color.)


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