
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11



1. ____ their help, we wouldn’t have succeeded.

A. Hadn’t been forB. Had it not been for

C. It hadn’t been for D. Hadn’t it been for

2. ____ that the sweater is handmade, the price seems reasonable.

A. SinceB. In viewC. BecauseD. Considering

3. I am in charge of welcoming the ____.

A. visitors from outside of town

B. outoftown visitors

C. visitors of outoftown

D. outside town visitors

4. I really do not know whether we can succeed, so do not expect ____.

A. too much of usB. us too much

C. of us too muchD. us of too much

5. Japan has begun to rival America ____.

A. producing automobiles

B. to manufacture automobiles 

C. in the production of automobiles

D. for automobiles producing

6. He did nothing but ____ letters home all this afternoon.

A. to writeB. writingC. writeD. wrote

7. ____ left before the deadline, it does not seem likely that Jimmy will accomplish the job.

A. With so short time

B. Although such a short time

C.With such a short time

D. It is such a short time

8. “Will Tom recover?”“Right now there is no way ____.”

A. of knowing B. to be known 

C. for knowing D. to have known

9. No sooner had we started out ____ it began to snow.

A.thenB.whenC. thanD. whenever

10. ____ the consequence, I will be on your side.

A. However B. No matter how

C. No matterD. Whatever

11. When they arrived at the cross roads, they went the wrong ____.

A. directionB. wayC. pathD. route

12. I can’t stand the summer’s ____ heat.

A. intensiveB. heavyC. intenseD. high

13. She takes ____ interest in the economic reform in China.

A. considerableB. conventional

C. considerateD. conservative

14. When our university library bought this microscope we were given a one year’s ____.

A. proofB. reservationC. securityD. guarantee

15. The football player had studied economics in the university for a(n)____ of roughly six years.

A. decadeB. timeC. ageD. period

16. A dictionary of the English language, ____ by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic written survey of English usage.

A. compiledB. composed

C. concocted D. collected

17. The volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to put out the ____forest fire.

A. ragingB. ripplingC. rollingD. roaring

18. Education is ____ for all schoolage children in many a country.

A. universalB. compulsoryC. requestedD. general

19. The policeman’s ____ mind caught the suspect’s lies.

A. aliveB. alertC. experiencedD. imaginable

20. Over years, a balance is ____ among the plants and animals in a community and it remains basically stable.

A. worked out B. worked off

C. worked overD. worked up

21. The global influence of English can be measured by the opposition of its old ____, French.

A. rivalB. mouldC. objectiveD. plot

22. That night’s ____ with Grace was as tough a battle as I’ve ever fought with an animal.

A. experienceB. encounterC. fatigueD. attack

23. I don’t think I have become more political, but if I see injustice and ____, I feel I have to do something.

A. hostilityB. hostageC. inhumanityD. indignation

24. Dr. Foxsaid that wolves he has have been even more ____and more sensitive to human feelings than most dogs have.

A. expressiveB. extensive 

C. impressiveD. intensive

25. The present universal fear has been the result of a forward surgeinour knowledge and ____ of certain dangerous factors in the physical world.

A. perceptionB. supplement

C. synthesisD.manipulation



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