
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


1. It’s not fair that you come home after abad day at work and ____ your wife and children.

A. take it out onB. take out it on

C. take out onD. take on it with

2. She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that ____.

A. he catches coldB. he should catch cold

C. he caught coldD. he be catching cold

3. Our teacher recommended that we ____ as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.

A. areB. shall beC. beD.were

4. You ____ business interfering with my affairs.

A. have noneB. have no

C. have none ofthe D. have nothing like

5. The new cut in interest rate ____ promote domesticinvestment.

A. means to B. directs toward

C. is meant toD. leads to

6. Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____ to increase the sales of industrial products.

A.have been usedB. will be used

C. is being used D. has been used

7. While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____the old lady’s necklace.

A. having takenB. taking

C. to have taken D. to take

8. Dr. Park was accused ____ the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.

A.of providingB. with providing

C. to have providedD. to provide

9. By the end of next month we ____ this assignment.

A. will finish B. will be finishing

C. will have finishedD. have finished

10. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ____ miracle.

A.is working B. works

C. will be working D. worked

11. It was dark in the cave so she ____ a match.

A. struckB. hitC. firedD. burned

12. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____ with a cold.

A. laid outB. laid upC. laid byD. laid down

13. She often says her greatest happiness ____ serving the handicapped children.

A.relies on B. consists in

C. composes of D. comprises in

14. To make this ____ clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.

A.distinctionB. indicationC. recognitionD. constitution

15. Most importantly, such an experience helps ____ aheightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.

A. coachB. forsakeC. fosterD.censor

16. When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the____back together.

A. fragmentsB. piecesC. bitsD. slices

17. Jane tried to ____ the doorman with money, but she failed.

A. bribeB. corruptC. awardD. endow

18. Classification is a useful ____ to the organization of knowledge in any field.

A. meansB. approachC. modeD. manner

19. The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow ____to environmental threats.

A. responseB. responsibility

C. resolution D. resistance

20. We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ____his principles.

A. lives onB. lives up to

C. lives through D. lives with

21. My grandfather accidentally ____ fire to the house.

A.putB. tookC.setD. got

22. We enjoyed the holiday ____ the expense.

A.exceptB. besides

C. in addition toD. except for

23. If you want children to work hard you must ____ their interests instead of their sense of duty.

A. appeal toB. look intoC. give rise toD. go in for

24. Basically a robot is a machine which moves, manipulates, joins or processes ____ in the same way as human hand or arm.

A. characters B. components

C.catalogues D. collections

25. Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____motivating for students.

A. chieflyB. correctlyC. currentlyD. eminently



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