
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  49. They are always _____ good terms with all of their neighbors for the sake of their children.

  A) at

  B) in

  C) for

  D) on

  50. He got thoroughly wet and, _____, he caught a bad cold.

  A) in consequence

  B) in nature

  C) in general

  D) in sequence

  51. Because of advances in science and technology in recent years, Americans are enjoying _____ time.

  A) measure

  B) pleasure

  C) treasure

  D) leisure

  52. The Open College is based on a new _____ on education which emphasizes the use of modern air media to get messages across.

  A) possession

  B) perspective

  C) prediction

  D) proportion

  53. Jim's close _____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.

  A) image

  B) figure

  C) appearance

  D) resemblance

  54. He hasn't any money so I _____ him some.

  A) will be lending

  B) will have lent

  C) would lend

  D) am going to lend

  55. There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _____ trouble.

  A) making

  B) to make

  C) to have made

  D) having closed

  56. _____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

  A) Other things being equal

  B) To be equal to other things

  C) Were other things equal

  D) Other things to be equal

  57. _____ the best boxer of his time, Sugar Ray Robinson lost only 3 out of 137 fights.

  A) Having judged as

  B) Being judged

  C) Judging to be

  D) Judged to be

  58. He _____ the little girl, but he did.

  A) ought not to have beaten

  B) ought to not have beaten

  C) ought to have not beaten

  D) ought to have beaten

  59. He _____ so sleepy if they _____ for a whole day.

  A) wouldn't feel, did not work

  B) wouldn't feel, were not working

  C) wouldn't be feeling, were not working

  D) wouldn't be feeling, hadn't been working


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