
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  In this section there are five passages followed by fifteen questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answer marked A, B, C and D.    Choose the one that you think is the correct answer.

  TEXT A I first became aware of the unemployment problem in 1928. At that time I had just come back from Burma, where unemployment was only a word, and I had gone to Burma when I was still a boy and the post-war boom was not quite over. When I first saw unemployed men at close quarters, the thing that horrified and amazed me was to find that many of them were ashamed of being unemployed. I was very ignorant, but not so ignorant as to imagine that when the loss of foreign markets pushes two million men out of work, those two million are any more to blame than the people who draw blanks in the Calcutta Sweep. But at that time nobody cared to admit that unemployment was inevitable, because this meant admitting that it would probably continue. The middle classes were still talking about "lazy idle loafers on the dole" and saying that "these men could all find work if they wanted to", and naturally these opinions spread among the working class themselves. I remember the shock of astonishment it gave me, when I first mingled with tramps and beggars, to find that a fair proportion, perhaps a quarter, of these beings whom I had been taught to regard as cynical parasites, were decent young miners and cotton workers gazing at their destiny with the same sort of dumb amazement as an animal in a trap. They simply could not understand what was happening to them. They had been brought up to work, and behold! It seemed as if they were never going to have the chance of working again. In their circumstances it was inevitable, at first, that they should be haunted by a feeling of personal degradation. That was the attitude towards unemployment in those days: it was a disaster which happened to you as an individual and for which you were to blame.

  66. Why did many of the unemployed feel ashamed of their condition?

  A) They imagined they were to blame for being out of work.

  B) They had to live on the unemployment benefits.

  C) They should have been working instead of doing nothing.

  D) They had to admit that unemployment would probably continue.

  67. The passage suggests that about a quarter of the tramps and beggars the author met were _____.

  A) cynical parasites

  B) like animals in a trap

  C) once good at mining

  D) young people

  68. According to the passage, the author's attitude to unemployment is that _____.

  A) the individuals were to blame

  B) the loss of overseas trade was to blame

  C) the unemployed cannot understand why

  D) it was not the individual's fault


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