
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  TEXT D Milan magistrates have ordered Alfa Romeo, the car manufactures, to reinstate 134 workers who are among 5,700 temporarily laid off under an agreement with the unions last March. In two separate cases, groups of 37 and of 97 appealed to magistrates against their suspension on the grounds that they had been discriminated against, because of their health or political views. The magistrate said the company evidently wished to eliminate from the productive cycle those who fell short, either for personal or political reasons. The findings have been criticized however by the company, and the unions. The company said it would lead to grave operational and management difficulties for a firm which was still suffering losses. problems such as this, the company said, risk throwing into crisis the whole system of industrial relations.

  76. What was the company's alleged motivation for taking the action they did?

  A) To get rid of workers who had not been trained.

  B) To get rid of workers who had organized a strike.

  C) To get rid of workers who did not observe the rules.

  D) To get rid of workers who did not come up to standard.

  77. According to the company, the magistrate's decision would lead to _____.

  A) personal problems

  B) operational hardships

  C) commercial failure

  D) a management strike

  TEXT E From a world of silence, deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie brought some of the worlds most beautiful music to the church of St. Paul and St. Peter the Great at Chichester on Monday evening. This attractive young Scottish lass has proved that what many would consider a disability was no handicap at all as she hypnotized her audience with a talented performance at this Chichester Festivities concert. She demonstrated her art with pieces on the xylophone, the marimba, the snare drum, and the timpani. With accompaniment from pianist Robert Howle, this evening with Evelyn Glennie was one of those little gems the festival seems to pull out to surprise and delight us each year. Displaying an easy and relaxed attitude and a keen sense of humor —— with many jokes directed against herself ("this is the part I find most difficult." she told us as she tuned the timpani) —— Evelyn played some haunting works specially written for xylophone, such as her own inspiring "A Little Prayer" and the lilting Scottish tune "Tween Heaven and Sea". She also "stole" items from the repertoire of other instruments —— the exciting "Czarda" more usually heard on violin, "Dreaming" by Schumann, "Maple Leaf Rag" by Joplin, and Chopins "Black Key Study", all works written for the piano but given an extra dimension on the xylophone. The audience was foxed completely as they tried to clap along to snare drum demonstration, a "mummy and daddy open roll", and there was no falling asleep during the dramatic sonata for Timpani by Beck —— as Evelyn said herself "It may not be everyones cup of tea, but it isnt very often that you see a solo timpanist, and a female one at that!" Evelyn Glennie may not have been able to hear the applause, but she must surely have seen the warm smiles and happy faces of an audience to which she endeared herself with a charming personality and uncanny instrumental ability.

  78. Which of the following is NOT one of Evelyn Glennie's physical characteristics?

  A) She's unable to hear.

  B) She's young.

  C) She's short.

  D) She's charming.

  79. Apart from Evelyn Glennie's musical ability, what does the critic say about her personality?

  A) Helpful.

  B) Generous.

  C) Honest.

  D) Pleasing.

  80. According to the passage, the critic thinks the concert was _____.

  A) enjoyable

  B) boring

  C) monotonous

  D) disastrous


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