
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  In this section there are six passages with a total of ten multiple-choice questions.    Skim or scan them as required and then select your answers to the questions.

  TEXT F 3First read the following questions. 81. One of the Adelphis advantages is that _____. A. it caters to adults B. its classes are small C. its programs are needed today D. it has been geared to the big city 82. One of the values of a traditional non-urban university is _____. A. big classes to get to know more students B. staff trained to think highly of the individual C. a relaxing educational environment D. students allowed to have part-time jobs Now read Text F quickly and select your answers. An out-of-town college thrives in town At most big city universities the pace, the attitude and the life-style are geared to city life. But there is a university in Manhattan that has its roots outside the city —— Adelphi. When we opened Adelphi University at Manhattan, we brought with us all the values of a traditional non-urban university. Such as classes small enough for you to get to know your professors. An educational environment designed to separate you from the daily rigors of life. And a staff of counselors and administrators schooled in the importance of the individual. Yet, with all our emphasis on traditional values, it has always been our tradition to offer programs which reflect the needs of today. So youll find weve pioneered in educational for adults with programs for teachers, social workers, business majors, childcare workers and others. If youre looking for our kind of tradition, you can find it without leaving the city—— Adelphi at Manhattan thriving on 28th Street. Adelphi University is committed to extending equal educational opportunity to all those who qualify academically.

  81. One of the Adelphi's advantages is that _____.

  A) it caters to adults

  B) its classes are small

  C) its programs are needed today

  D) it has been geared to the big city

  82. One of the values of a traditional non-urban university is _____.

  A) big classes to get to know more students

  B) staff trained to think highly of the individual

  C) a relaxing educational environment

  D) students allowed to have part-time jobs


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