
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  TEXT G First read the following questions. 83. The main idea of this passage is that _____. A. the Gettysburg Address has always been regarded as a masterpiece B. at the time of its delivery the Gettysburg Address was truly appreciated C. it was not until after 1863 that Lincolns speech was recorded in history D. Lincolns speech is better recognized today than it was during his presidency 84. When did Lincolns Gettysburg Address begin to receive public acclaim? A. After it had been published. B. Immediately after the speech. C. Not until the present day. D. After he received growing recognition. Now read Text G quickly and select your answers. Lincolns now famous Gettysburg Address was not, on the occasion of its delivery, recognized as the masterpiece as it is today. Lincoln was not even the primary speaker at the ceremonies, held at the height of the Civil War in 1863, to dedicate the battlefield at Gettysburg. The main speaker was orator Edward Everest, whose two-hour speech was followed by Lincolns shorter remarks. Lincoln began his small portion of the program with the words that today are immediately recognized by most Americans: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." At the time of the speech, little notice was given to what Lincoln had said, and Lincoln considered his appearance at the ceremonies rather unsuccessful. After his speech appeared in print, appreciation for his words began to grow, and today it is recognized as one of the all-time greatest speeches.

  83. The main idea of this passage is that _____.

  A) the Gettysburg Address has always been regarded as a masterpiece

  B) at the time of its delivery the Gettysburg Address was truly appreciated

  C) it was not until after 1863 that Lincoln's speech was recorded in history

  D) Lincoln's speech is better recognized today than it was during his presidency

  84. When did Lincoln's Gettysburg Address begin to receive public acclaim?

  A) After it had been published.

  B) Immediately after the speech.

  C) Not until the present day.

  D) After he received growing recognition.

  TEXT H First read the following questions. 85. The new Cambridge Business English Certificate can _____. A. serve as a passport to Britain B. pave the way for success in future work C. help visa applications D. guarantee enrollment in Cambridge University 86. Those who are interested in this training class can register _____. A. at the British Council B. at the Shanghai University of Business and Economics C. with a Beijing university D. at the China Daily, Shanghai Branch Now read Text H quickly and select your answers. Cambridge Business English Certificate Course Success in this new Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is your passport to a successful career in business. This special two-month training course consists of a series of 6-hour Sunday seminars from March 12 —— April 24 OR 3-hour evening seminars on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from March 21 to April 29. Our strategy for success includes: · Small Classes, grouped by ability; · Experienced, professional teachers; · Detailed instruction in business English and test strategies; · Practice exams under actual test conditions Co-sponsored by China Daily and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) Registration starts soon Date: March 1 to 10; Fees: 350 yuan; Location: University of International Business and Economics (Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District) Tel: 4222172,4225522-3109

  85. The new Cambridge Business English Certificate can _____.

  A) serve as a passport to Britain

  B) pave the way for success in future work

  C) help visa applications

  D) guarantee enrollment in Cambridge University

  86. Those who are interested in this training class can register _____.

  A) at the British Council

  B) at the Shanghai University of Business and Economics

  C) with a Beijing university

  D) at the China Daily, Shanghai Branch

  TEXT I First read the following questions. 87. Online banking eliminates the need for which of the following? A. Having separate checking and savings accounts. B. Keeping your accounts balanced. C. Going to the bank to do business. D. Having to pay your bills on time. 88. Online banking provides all of the following advantages EXCEPT _____. A. 24-hour access to your accounts B. personal contact with your banker C. the opportunity to pay bill electronically D. the chance to do your banking from almost any location  Now read Text I quickly and select your answers. First Bank & Trust: Making Life a Little Easier Every Day How would you like to have the freedom to do your banking without running to the bank? Look no further than your computer! Because now you can take care of all your banking whenever and wherever its convenient. With free Online Banking you have the power to take greater control over your finances. Imagine viewing your account balances any time you want. And transferring money between accounts at your convenience. Virtually all your other banking activities can be handled online too. You can: · Download your account information into your personal finance software · Open additional accounts · Record checks · E-mail your customer service requests and questions to us Youll save time with Online Banking. To save even more, choose our Bill Pay service. With our Bill Pay, you can forget about checks, stamps, and envelopes. Pay anyone you would normally pay by check with just a few keystrokes. You can even set up recurring payments such as your mortgage, rent, or car loan, so you dont have to bother with them every month. Sign up today! Just visit our Web site at http://www.banking.com.

  87. Online banking eliminates the need for which of the following?

  A) Having separate checking and savings accounts.

  B) Keeping your accounts balanced.

  C) Going to the bank to do business.

  D) Having to pay your bills on time.

  88. Online banking provides all of the following advantages EXCEPT _____.

  A) 24-hour access to your accounts

  B) personal contact with your banker

  C) the opportunity to pay bill electronically

  D) the chance to do your banking from almost any location

  TEXT J First read the following questions. 89. Which runner beat David Murphys time by 4 seconds? A. Ryszard zmarczak. B. Dan Schlesinger. C. Rodolfo Gomez. D. Tom Raunig. 90. The first-place man beat the first-place woman by _____. A. 36 minutes, 43 seconds. B. 18 minutes. C. 16 minutes, 15 seconds. D. 17 minutes, 45 seconds. Now read Text J quickly and select your answers. New York Marathon Results, 2000 MEN 1. Alberto Salazar, OR 2:09:29 2. Rodolfo Gomez, Mex. 2:09:33 3. Dan Schlesinger, NC 2:11:54 4. Ryszard Marczak, Pol. 2:12:44 5. David Murphy, Gr. Brit. 2:12:48 6. Tom Raunig, MT 2:13:22 7. George Malley, MA 2:13:29 8. Jose Gomez, Mex. 2:13:43 9. Martti Kiilholma, Fin. 2:13:51 10. Dean Matthews, GA 2:14:00 WOMEN 1. Grete Waitz, Nor. 2:27:14 2. Julie Brown, CA 2:28:33 3. Charlotte Teske, W. Ger. 2:31:53 4. Laura Fogli, Italy 2:33:01 5. Ingrid Kristiansen, Nor. 2:33:36 6. Julie Isphording, OH 2:34:24 7. Laurie Binder, CA 2:35:18 8. N, Gumerova, USSR 2:35:37 9. Carla Beurskens, Hol. 2:35:37 10. Nancy Ditz, CA 2:38:08

  89. Which runner beat David Murphy's time by 4 seconds?

  A) Ryszard zmarczak.

  B) Dan Schlesinger.

  C) Rodolfo Gomez.

  D) Tom Raunig.

  90. The first-place man beat the first-place woman by _____.

  A) 36 minutes, 43 seconds.

  B) 18 minutes.

  C) 16 minutes, 15 seconds.

  D) 17 minutes, 45 seconds.


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